Monday 22 August 2011

A title!

I've been frantically trying to finish my chapbook and have finally decided on the title - 

SWALLOW Hirundo rustica:
nests singly and in small, loose colonies

I might even be ready to unveil the cover soon <ta-daa> But I am just sending PDF copies off to friends for a bit of proof-reading. It is useful to have clever friends! Here is a sneaky peek at one of the images from inside - 

I have been rushing around with fine-liners and coloured paper (for possible covers), popping things in and out of the scanner and sizing and re-sizing on photoshop, because I am speaking at 21:30 on Sunday night at the Greenbelt Arts and Music Festival in Cheltenham. Back in March or sometime, I submitted the title of my slot as 'Lighthouses and Letterboxes,' suitably and inevitably vague. Since then I have thought a bit more about what I'll say and so I'll be reading from Good Condolences and SWALLOW Hirundo rustica (the new one), and will probably say a bit about chapbooks in general.I have still got much to do and am about to print out a hard copy to give out for friends to mark-up. I don't think the hard copy will be ready for the festival *sigh,* but I will certainly be reading from it if there is time!

I will also be helping out, Andy Tate, by reading some poetry and prose extracts as part of his talk 'All families are psychotic' on Monday at 16:00. Things I'm most looking forward to are Show of Hands, Billy Bragg, The Unthanks, and the occasional appearance by Bob Harris. It's going to be a great festival...perhaps when I get back I'll be able to finish the little chap! I've got dried fruit soaking for a festival fruit cake and need to get organised with my new plastic cups and my folding toaster!

P.S. The observant may notice a new title for my blog too - the other one was vague to say the least, this one is a bit better, I think.

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