Thursday, 24 November 2011


I wish I could do something cool like free-running, but I can't. I can do free-stitchin'.

Inspired by a college art exhibition in Mdina, Malta - I have had a go at stitching on canvas. My efforts are not any where near as good as those of the art student in Mdina, but whatev - she's probably got younger fingers. I wondered about drawing the design on first, but I thought it would probably show outside the thread lines. So, instead, I went for it free-style and stuck to shapes I was already familiar with drawing. Here are the results:


SWALLOW Hirundo rustica

All three...

Looking at these on the screen, I am pretty appalled at the quality of my photography. Part of the problem is that it's dark a lot of the time and daylight is the only good light for photographing things, but partly it's because I am rubbish at it. These do look a bit better in real life - and will be for sale at No10 in Bath on Saturday. 

It was only when I came to doing the third canvas that I thought I could link to my chapbooks - I might try to improve my stitchery and make some more linked pictures. Hope you like them!


  1. Thanks, Jono. They're quite quick to make, really - I'll be doing more in the new year!
